[*] minor role stock character whose primary
purpose in the plot of a story is to die soon.


Ensign Toast (John Gushue ... Dot Dot Dot, 09.05.2009)

Als Redshirts (englisch, zu deutsch etwa Rothemden) werden, in Anlehnung an die US-amerikanische Science-Fiction-Serie Star Trek, Figuren bezeichnet, die kurz nach ihrem Auftritt sterben.
[...] Um das Ausmaß der Gefahr für die Fernsehzuschauer deutlich zu machen, war der Tod eines Mitglieds des "Außenteams" meist Teil der Handlung; da die Hauptcharaktere generell einen länger angelegten Vertrag hatten, "starb" also ein Redshirt. [...]
Rothemden (Wikipedia, 27.08.2009)

The color of shirt worn by the nameless security personnel on the original Star Trek series. Their only job was to get eaten/shot/stabbed/disrupted/frozen/desalinated, and give William Shatner or DeForest Kelley a corpse to emote over.
A Red Shirt is the good cousin of Evil Minions - set filler for our heroes' side. Their purpose is almost exclusively to give the writers someone to kill who isn't a main character, although they can also serve as a Spear Carrier. They are used to show how the monster works, and demonstrate that it is indeed a deadly menace, without having to lose anyone important. Expect someone to say "Hes Dead Jim", lament this "valued crewmembers senseless death", and then promptly forget him.
Redshirt (Television Tropes and Idioms, 27.08.2009)